February 12, 2010 from 10am to 12:30pm
Location: Downtown Bs As, Argentina
Street: Bme Mitre 1970, 1st floor (2 blocks from Congreso)
City/Town: C.A.B.A Argentina
Phone: 15-6357-0640
Event Type: f2f, seminar
Organized By: Helping North ELT
As the second decade of the 21st century begins, professional development on computer literacy becomes essential for teachers. Many educators are not yet aware of the variety of applications that new technologies offer or the way in which they can be used to encourage students to produce creative pieces of work. This seminar will introduce an array of internet resources that can be applied to the teaching of English and that can motivate students’ use of new technologies in a creative way to support their learning.
The aim of this seminar is to raise educator's awareness of the latest web 2.0 applications that can be used both in and outside the classroom, including blogs, wikis, social networks and, above all, the numerous interactive tools that may be applied to their lessons.
For Registration or further information HERE
1 comentario:
Hello! I saw your page via link. My name is Alfred Hopkins. I do theater in English. This summer I am organizing a workshop acting out scenes from movies. If you like the idea, we meet Saturdays at 5 pm, Macondo theatre, 460 Garay avenue, San Telmo. The cost: $150 per month or $40 per class. More information via hopalfred@gmail.com or 4342-3588. My web magazine: http://jaquematepress.blogia.com
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